Its been a great couple of months doing London Jewellery Week , first with the press breakfast at the Ivy Club in April, which marked a year on from me starting with my rainbow ray vision of designing jewellery, so it was a fitting landmark to have the wonderful rainbow coloured stained glass leaded windows of the Ivy Club as my display backdrop for theOz Collection. And hey Ivy Club talking of rainbows I left my favorite rainbow umbrella with you hang onto it please.
Exhibiting at Treasure, London Jewellery Week at Somerset House was much fun being my first jewellery show. I met some fabulous talented people and it was wonderful to receive some great feedback and custom it makes it all worthwhile. I'm afraid I may have scared a few ladies with my display of sourcery though. Special thanks to Dua Lipa for all her help at the show.
The lovelyVictoria Bramwelldressed us in her Alice collection.
Big thankyou to Della Tinsley and her team who work so hard to put on a wonderful show and support little unknowns like me. Huge thankyou to Dua :) It was great to have my Somewhere over The Rainbow Ring featured on the Invitations and Somerset House andTreasure website. I look forward to taking part next year with a new collection to launch. I have made my wish list - one ring I'm definitely going to get to go with a snake arm bangle which my mother wore in the 1960s , is a snake ring from the ever so talented Neasa O'Brien . Thanks for the feature in gem-a-porter.
Enjoy the summer!